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How to reach us

From Lamezia, distance 1:15h:

Take the highway in the direction of Reggio Calabria, exit at Rosarno and take the Ionio-Tirreno road up to Gioiosa Jonica, take the state road 106 in the direction of Taranto.


From Reggio Calabria, distance 1:15h:

Take the motorway towards Salerno, exit at Rosarno and take the Ionio-Tirreno road up to Gioiosa Jonica, take the state road 106 towards Taranto.


From Catanzaro, distance 1:00h:

Take the 106 state road towards Reggio Calabria.


Once you enter Caulonia Marina, at the IP petrol station, take the underpass for the Lungomare, turn immediately left into Via degli Emigrati then take the second right into Via Rino Gaetano. After few meters on the left take Via Arlesiana, where the property is located. 


10 minutes walk from Caulonia Marina station.


Possibility of :AIRPORT SHUTTLE from Lamezia Terme and Reggio Calabria

                       RAILWAY STATION SHUTTLE from Rosarno

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